hat, scarf, senpolia gloves

Caciula, scarf and gloves

Caciula, fular si manusiMaterial:
– 150 g fir bleumarin (40% merino wool, 15% mohair, 25% polyamide, 20% acrylic) for the hat and cuffs;
– 400 for navy blue(62% merino wool, 10% casmir, 28% acrylic, 130m/50g)
– Andrele with string no. 4,5 and 5 needles for knitting socks no. 5,5.
Knit density: 16 stitches x 22 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Models used:
ribbon: 1 front stitch x 1 back stitch;
'the tail' (18 stitches) it is used when knitting hats, schema 1:
Rows 1-16: * 10 purl stitches, 8 stitches face. Repeat from *.
Row 17: * 2 purl stitches, (from a group of 16 stitches) last 8 stitches are knit front and pass after the first 8 stitches that will knit back. It was repeated from *.
Rows 19-34: * 2 purl stitches, 8 stitches face, 8 purl stitches. Repeat from*.
Row 35: 2 purl stitches, (from a group of 16 stitches) last 8 stitches are knit back and pass after the first 8 stitches that will knit front. It was repeated from *. Row 36: * 10 purl stitches, 8 stitches face. Repeat from *.
Rows 1-36 are knit only once.

'the tail' (32 stitches) it is used to knit the scarf, Scheme 2:
Rows 1-3: * 15 knit stitches, 2 purl stitches, 15 girl. Repeat from *.
Row 5: (from a group of 10 stitches) last 5 stitches are knit front and pass over the first 5 stitches that will knit front, 5 girl, 2 backs, (from a group of 10 stitches) last 5 stitches are knit front and pass after the first 5 stitches that will knit front . It was repeated from *.
Rows 7-9: * 15 knit stitches, 2 purl stitches, 15 girl. Repeat from *.
Row 11: 5 girl, (from a group of 10 stitches) last 5 stitches are knit front and pass after the first 5 stitches that will knit front, 2 purl stitches, 5 girl (from a group of 10 stitches) last 5 stitches are knit front and pass over the first 5 stitches that will knit front. It was repeated from *.
Repeat rows 1-12.
'Rhombuses'(26 stitches) it is used to knit the scarf. It is knit according to the schmei 2. Only the front rows are shown in the diagram, back rows are knit according to the picture. Knit 11 x rows 1-32, then 1 x rows 1-30.
'Tail with rhombuses' is used to knit cuffs. It is knit according to the scheme1. Only the front rows are shown in the diagram, back rows are knit according to the picture. Knit 1 x rows 1-16, then 1 x rows 1-2.

It is mounted on knitting needles with cord 80 stitches. It knits circular 4 cm headband. Lastly at equal distances add 28 stitches (80+28=108 stitches). Stitches are divided evenly on 4 knitting needles no. 5.5 and continue by knitting the tail pattern. Knit 1 x rows 1-36 and 1 x rows 1-9. In the next row (the 10th after the 9) the decreases begin: every 5th and 6th eye are taken together face or back according to the picture = 90 stitches.
Row 12: every 4th and 5th eye are taken together face or back according to the picture = 72 stitches.
Row 14: every 3rd and 4th eye are taken together face or back according to the picture = 54 stitches.
Row 15: every 2nd and 3rd eye are taken together face or back according to the picture = 36 stitches.
Row 16: 2 stitches together front = 18 stitches;
Row 17: 2 stitches together front = 9 stitches.
Pass the working thread through the remaining stitches, the thread is pulled and fixed on the back side of the hat.

Cuffs: Mount 36 stitches on knitting needles 5.5 and knit circular pattern 'tail with rhombuses'. At distance of 21 cm from the beginning of the work is added 2 stitches – after the first stripe jersey point and 2 stitches after the stripe 2 jersey point. At a distance of 33 cm from the beginning of the work, the additions are repeated, and at a distance of 45 cm all stitches are closed. The edges are accurately mowed on the back side. The second cuff is executed similarly.

comforter: Mount 116 stitches on knitting needles 5.5 and knit a back row, after that the stitches will be divided as follows: 1 edge stitch, *2 front stitches, 2 purl stitches. Repeat twice from* then 32 stitches "tail", 26 stitches "rhombuses" 32 stitches "tail", * 2 purl stitches, 2 front stitches, repeat 2 times from *, 1 edge stitch.
The edge stitches are knit as front stitches in the front rows and as purl stitch in the back rows. When the scarf has a length of 160 cm or 382 rows, all eyes close. At both edges, 8 tassels are made on which knots are made at different distances. The length of a knotted ciucur is about 22 cm.

All the symbols presented in the scheme can be found in the article "Conventional signs used in knitting", except for the bobulet which is made in the following way: Take on needle 7 stitches between 2 stitches (1eyeye front from the front, 1 eye from the backside), 1 life. The stitches together with jeteul are knit together. The next eye is taken back and passed after the eye resulting from the 7 + jeteul.

Scheme No.1:
Schema 1
Scheme no.2:
Schema 2


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