3 thoughts on “The hat with a brim

  1. To this!
    I am a beginner in knitting and I really like this hat model…The problem is that I don't really get enough to read the scheme…I also looked at the 78 Knitting Patterns(conventional signs), but all in vain! please if you can help me!
    Thank you!

  2. Hi Catalina!
    The model is from a Chinese journal and in the Chinese the conventional signs in the field are a bit different.
    I'm trying to explain: Big X- Take on a helper Andrea 4 stitches, Andreaua positions herself before the work. Knitting the front the next 4 stitches on the left andreaua, then the meshes on the helper andreaua. The end result is a torsade consisting of 8 stitches.
    Naked square is face eyes, square with dash e eyes dos.
    Arch cut by a dash: It's an eye girl, which in the front rows is taken on the right andrea without knitting (The wire is positioned after the eyes), and in the back row they knit like dos eyes.
    Good luck!

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