men's hat with reindeer and scarf

Men's hat with reindeer and scarf

caciula barbateasca cu reni si fularCranial circumference: 46-52-56 cm;

Necessary materials:

– 200 g gray thread Sandnes Alfa (85% lana, 15% mohair, 60 m/ 50g);

– 100 g of white thread;

– Andrele no. 7;

– Crochet hook no. 5.

The density of the work: 13 meshes × 7 rows = 10 × 10 cm.


ears: It is mounted on andrea 6 stitches and knits jersey punt. In every 2nd place, 3 x 1 eyes = 12 meshes will be added from both sides. After, will be knitted as jersey point.

After 7 cm knitted from the first row in every 2nd will be added from both sides 2 x 1 eyes = 16 meshes. The 16 stitches are left on a helper andrea and in the same way the second ear is knitted without cutting the working thread.

On the circular andrels it is mounted starting with the right edge of the ear of the second 7 meshes, knit jersey point ear meshes and then mount 27 meshes (Forefront) knit jersey point meshes of the other ear and mount 6 more stitches.

The 72 meshes will be knitted circularly 2 rows with gray thread, pattern in the scheme and continue knitting with gray thread.

When the height of the hat, measured from the center of the forehead is 16 cm will knit * 4 front stitches, 2 stitches together face* by the end of the row. Then knit straight 2 rows, then * 3 front stitches, 2 stitches together face* by the end of the row.
schema caciula barbateasca cu reni si fular
Continue to decrease the mesh in the same places 2 times in every 2nd row. After, knit straight 1 row and in the next row 2 stitches together until the end of the row. Repeat the mesh drop once more, after which the working wire is cut and passed through the remaining meshes. The wire is passed on the back side of the work and fixed.

The bottom edges of the hat are crocheted with 1 row of feet without jet with gray thread.

A mot with gray thread is made and fixed at the top of the hat.

scarf: The length of the scarf is 150 cm. It is mounted on andrea with gray thread 200 meshes and knits lazy point, alternating the color of the thread in the following way:: 4 rows with gray thread, 2 rows white thread.

After 12 cm knit from the first row, stitches end.


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