senpolia finger bolero

Bolero for Fingers

bolero pentru DegeticaAge: 9-12 months.
Necessary materials:
– 100 g of white thread Baby Wool from Schachenmayr no. 00002;
– 1 pearl-colored button with a diameter of 1 cm;
– Andre no. 2.5;
– Crochet hook no. 2.5.

Thread density: 28 stitches x 36 rows = 10×10 cm;

Marginuta zimtata: 1 stitch is finished, *the resulting stitch rises on the left needle and knit 1 stitch from it, 1 eye rises on the left side, knit 1 stitch from the new stitch, repeat until when on needle we have 4 additional stitches, 4 stitches together front*, it's repeating *-*.
Open mesh chain: With contrasting thread is crocheted a chain with the required number of stitches + 1 stitch for lifting. Cut the floss and fix the last eye with a bold, so that at the end of the work the crocheted chain can be easily unraveled and get open stitches. With the basic thread will knit 1 stitch from each eye chain, starting with the 2nd eye chain.

Spate: Crochet a chain with open stitches consisting of 76 stitches . Rise on needle 75 stitches on the back side of the chain and knit 1 row back (back side), then continue with jersey point.
After 4 cm, for cutting the sleeves, ends from both sides 4 stitches after that in every 2nd row 4 x1 stitch = 59 stitches.
After 16 cm from the first row, ends from both sides 6 stitches, after that in every 2nd row 2 x 5 stitches. The 27 stitches left for neckline are passed on a helpful needle andrea.
The length of the detail is 17 cm.

Front left side: Crochet a chain with open stitches consisting of 34 stitches. Rise on needle 19 stitches on the back side of the chain and knit 1 turn back (back side), then continue with jersey point.
For rounding, will rise on needle 6 stitches from the crocheted chain at the end of the first row on the front side, after that in each row that follows rises on needle 4 stitches and 2×2 stitches = 33 stitches after 8 knitted rows.
After that, will be added from the left side every 2nd row 4×1 eye (before the edge eye) on the front side of the work.
After 4 cm, for cutting the sleeves, ends from the right side 4 stitches, after that every 2nd row 4 x1 stitch = 29 stitches.
After 7 cm, for cutting the neck, decreases from the left side 1 eye, after that in every 2nd row 8 x1 eyes, every 4th row 4 x 1 stitch, knitting the edge eye together with the front with the previous eye = 16 stitches.
After 16 cm from the first row, for the shoulder line, ends from the left side 6 stitches, after that in every 2nd row 2 x 5 stitches.

Front right side: It will be knitted symmetrically with the left one. Will rise on needles needles for rounding and will be made additions of stitches at the end of the row on the back side of the work.
For each decrease of stitches for neckline is taken on a helpful needle edge eye, the next stitch is knit face and pass over the eye on andreaua helpful.
Sleeve: Crochet a chain with open stitches consisting of 45 stitches. Rise on needle 44 stitches on the back side of the chain and knit 1 turn back (back side), then continue with jersey point.
Every 8th row is added from both sides 3 x 1 stitch, every 6th row 3 x 1 stitch = 56 stitches.
After 13 cm from the first row, ends from both sides by 4 stitches, every 2nd row 10 x 1 eye, then they will end all the remaining stitches (28 stitches). The length of the sleeve is 19 cm.
schema bolero pentru degetica-senpolia
finishing: From the edge of the sleeves unravel the chain with open meshes, we get open mesh (44 stitches) which is mounted on the needle and knits 6 cm semielastic point (1 eye girl, 1 back eye) then it will knit serrated edge.
Sew the other details of the clothes.
Break the chains on the back side and the front parts. Open stitches will be mounted on circular knitting needles. Starting from the front right side will knit semielatic point on 33 stitches on the rounded edge, after that they will rise and will knit the other 40 stitches left until the neckline on the back side.

Rise and knit 27 stitches on the back, 40 stitches on the left front side, 33 stitches on the rounded edge and 75 stitches on the bottom edge of the back partition = 248 stitches. Knit circular semielastic point. In the 3rd circular row will be made a lock at a distance of 3 cm from the edge of the left front part: 1 jeteu before the back eye, the following 2 stitches are knit together face. In the next circular row jeteul will knit front.
In total, 6 rows of semielastic point will be trciota, after which the serrated edge will be made. The button is sewn.


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