Beret for Isabelle

Beret for Isabelle

Bereta pentru Isabelle
One size fits all.
Necessary materials:
– 100 g fuchsia yarn Debbie Bliss Fez code 12 A;
– 50 g of black yarn Debbie Bliss Fez code 01B;
– Andrele no. 5 and no. 4.5.

The density of the work: 16 stitches x 28 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Description of the work:
It is mounted on the andrels no. 4.5 with black wire, 80 stitches and knit 5 rows of semi-elastic stitch.
They will be added in the next row 31 ochiuri in felul urmator: 2 front stitches, *se adauga 1 ochi dintre 2 ochiuri, 3 stitches face, adaugare 1 ochi, 2 front stitches*, it's repeating *-*, adaugare 1 ochi, 3 ochiuri fata = 111 ochiuri.

Se va continua tricotarea cu punct de orez, cu andrelele nr.5 si cu fir de culoarea ciclamei.
Dupa 10 cm tricotati de la primul rand se vor scadea ochiurile in felul urmator:
Row 1:1 eye girl, (3 ochiuri impreuna, 19 stitches rice point) x5;
Row 2 and all even rows:toate ochiurile se vor tricota punct orez;
Row 3: 1 eye girl, (3 ochiuri impreuna, 17 stitches rice point) x5;
Row 5: 1 eye girl, (3 ochiuri impreuna, 15 stitches rice point) x5;
Ochiurile se vor scadea in acest mod pana cand raman 11 ochiuri.

Ochiurile ramase se trec prn firul de lucru, firul se strange si se trece pe partea dos a lucrarii. Se realizeaza cusatura din spate a beretei.
Cu fir de culoare neagra se confectioneaza un mot si se fixeaza in varful beretei.