yellow narcissus beret

Yellow Narcissa beret

bereta narcisa galbenaThe necessary materials:
– 30 g of beige thread and 100 g of orange thread (100% cotton, 395 m/100 g);
– Crochet hook no. 1.5;
– 1 wooden button.

Description of the work:

Crochet a chain of 6 stitches with orange thread and close it in a circle. After, it will be crocheted in the following way:
Row 1: 12 legs with jet;
Row 2: 24 stitches with jet and then *1 stitch with jet will be repeated, 1 chain stitch* until a circle with a diameter of 24 cm is obtained, adaugand la intervale egale picioruse cu jeteu.
schema bereta narcisa galbena
Dupa se vor croseta inca 10 randuri fara adaugiri. Bentita beretei se va croseta cu picioruse fara jeteu 11 randuri cu fir de culoare orange, dupa care 12 randuri alternativ: cate 2 randuri cu fi de culoare bej si orange.

Detaliul se va finisa cu 6 randuri fir de culoare bej. In total: 29 randuri = 7 cm.
Petalele florii se vor croseta conform schemei ca detalii unice.

Se vor coase pe bentita, asezand petalele una peste alta, iar deasupra se va coase nasturele din lemn.


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