gray knitted beret

Gray knitted beret

bereta gri tricotataCranial circumferencea: 50 cm;
The necessary materials:
– 150 g of gray yarn (50% polyamide, 25% lana, 25% acrylic);
– 4 andres №4.5;
– 4 andre № 5.5;
– 1 andrea helper.

The density of the work: 19 stitches x 24 rows = 10 x 10 cm.
Description of the work:
It is mounted on the andrels no. 4.5 – 104 stitches and knit semi-elastic circular stitch ( 1 eye girl, 1 back eye) 4 cm, dividing the stitches on the ends in the following way: 38 stitches on the needle 1, 27 ochiuri pe andreaua 2 si 39 ochiuri pe andreaua 3.
After, la intervale egale se vor adauga ochiuri in felul urmator:
pe prima andrea se vor adauga 12 ochiuri = 50 ochiuri, tricotand * 16 ochiuri fata, 1 ochi dos * x 2 si 16 ochiuri fata;
pe andreaua 2 se vor adauga 8 ochiuri =35 ochiuri, tricotand *1 ochi dos, 16 ochiuri fata* x 2 si 1 ochi dos;
pe andreaua 3 se vor adauga 12 ochiuri =51 ochiuri, tricotand *16 ochiuri fata, 1 ochi dos * x 3.
In total sunt 136 ochiuri care se vor tricota in continuare cu andrelele nr. 5.5 in felul urmator:
Randurile 2-10 se va tricota modelul prezentat in schema;

Row 11:
Andreaua nr.1: 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre stanga, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre dreapta, 1 back eye, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre dreapta, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre stanga, 1 back eye, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre stanga, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre dreapta.
– Andreaua no.2: 1 back eye, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre dreapta, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre stanga, 1 back eye, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre stanga, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre dreapta, 1 back eye.
Andreaua nr.3: 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre dreapta, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre stanga, 1 back eye, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre stanga, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre dreapta, 1 back eye, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre dreapta, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre stanga, 1 back eye.
Randurile 12-20 se tricoteaza conform schemei;

Row 21:
Andreaua nr.1: *8 ochiuri incrucisate spre dreapta, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre stanga, 1 ochi dos* x 2, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre dreapta, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre stanga.
– Andreaua no.2: 1 back eye, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre dreapta, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre stanga, 1 back eye, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre dreapta, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre stanga, 1 back eye.
Andreaua nr.3: 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre dreapta, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre stanga, 1 back eye, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre dreapta, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre dreastangapta, 1 back eye, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre dreapta, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre stanga, 1 back eye.
Randurile 22-27 se tricoteaza conform schemei;

Randul 28:
1 ochi de pe andreaua dreapta se trece pe andreaua stanga si *se tricoteaza impreuna fata cu ochiul ce il urmeaza (andreaua se introduce dinspre partea fata a ochiului), 15 ochiuri fata*, repeat *-* 8 times. Pe prima andrea au ramas 48 ochiuri, pe a 2-a 32 ochiuri sip e a 3-a 48 ochiuri = 128 ochiuri.
– Row 29: Pe fiecare andrea se trece de pe andreaua dreapta pe cea stanga cate 4 ochiuri.
Andreaua nr.1: *8 ochiuri incrucisate spre stanga, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre dreapta* x 3.
– Andreaua no.2: *8 ochiuri incrucisate spre stanga, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre dreapta* x 2.
Andreaua nr.3: *8 ochiuri incrucisate spre stanga, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre dreapta* x 3.
– Row 30: All stitches knit face;
– Row 31: Pe fiecare andrea se trece de pe andreaua stanga pe cea dreapta cate 4 ochiuri.
Andreaua nr.1: *3 front stitches, 2 stitches together face to the left, 6 stitches face, 2 stitches together face, 3 ochiuri fata* x 3 = 42 ochiuri.
– Andreaua no.2: *3 front stitches, 2 stitches together face to the left, 6 stitches face, 2 stitches together face, 3 ochiuri fata* x 2= 28 ochiuri.
Andreaua nr.3: *3 front stitches, 2 stitches together face to the left, 6 stitches face, 2 stitches together face, 3 ochiuri fata* x 3 = 42 ochiuri.

Row 32:
Andreaua nr.1: *3 front stitches, 2 stitches together face to the left, 4 front stitches, 2 stitches together face, 3 ochiuri fata* x 3 = 36 ochiuri.
– Andreaua no.2: *3 front stitches, 2 stitches together face to the left, 4 front stitches, 2 stitches together face, 3 ochiuri fata* x 2= 24 ochiuri.
Andreaua nr.3: *3 front stitches, 2 stitches together face to the left, 4 front stitches, 2 stitches together face, 3 ochiuri fata* x 3 = 36 ochiuri.
– Row 33:
Andreaua nr.1: *4 front stitches, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre dreapta* x 3;
– Andreaua no.2: *4 front stitches, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre dreapta* x 2;
Andreaua nr.3: *4 front stitches, 8 ochiuri incrucisate spre dreapta* x 3.
– Row 34:
Andreaua nr.1: :*3 front stitches, 2 stitches together face , 5 stitches face, 2 ochiuri impreuna fata* x 3 = 30 ochiuri.
– Andreaua no.2:*3 front stitches, 2 stitches together face , 5 stitches face, 2 ochiuri impreuna fata* x 2= 20 ochiuri.
Andreaua nr.3: *3 front stitches, 2 stitches together face , 5 stitches face, 2 ochiuri impreuna fata* x 3 = 30 ochiuri

Row 35:
Andreaua nr.1: :*2 front stitches, 2 stitches together face , 4 front stitches, 2 ochiuri impreuna fata* x 3 = 24 ochiuri.
– Andreaua no.2: *2 front stitches, 2 stitches together face , 4 front stitches, 2 ochiuri impreuna fata* x 2 = 16 ochiuri;
Andreaua nr.3: *2 front stitches, 2 stitches together face , 4 front stitches, 2 ochiuri impreuna fata* x 3= 24 ochiuri.
– Row 36:
Andreaua nr.1: *1 front eye, 2 stitches together face , 3 stitches face, 2 ochiuri impreuna fata* x 3 = 18 ochiuri.
– Andreaua no.2: *1 front eye, 2 stitches together face , 3 stitches face, 2 ochiuri impreuna fata* x 2 = 12 ochiuri.
Andreaua nr.3: *1 front eye, 2 stitches together face , 3 stitches face, 2 ochiuri impreuna fata* x 3 = 18 ochiuri.
schema bereta gri tricotata
Row 37:
Andreaua nr.1: *2 stitches together front , 2 front stitches, 2 ochiuri impreuna fata* x 3 = 12 ochiuri.
– Andreaua no.2: *2 stitches together front , 2 front stitches, 2 ochiuri impreuna fata* x 2 = 8 ochiuri.
Andreaua nr.3: *2 stitches together front , 2 front stitches, 2 ochiuri impreuna fata* x 3 = 12 ochiuri.
– Row 38:
Andreaua nr.1: *2 stitches together front , 2 ochiuri impreuna fata* x 3 = 6 ochiuri.
– Andreaua no.2: *2 stitches together front , 2 front stitches, 2 ochiuri impreuna fata* x 2 = 4 ochiuri.
Andreaua nr.3: *2 stitches together front , 2 ochiuri impreuna fata* x 3 = 6 ochiuri.
– Row 39: Se tricoteaza cate 2 ochiuri impreuna fata = 8 ochiuri. Ochiurile ramase deschise se trec prin firul de lucru, the thread is tightened and fixed on the back side of the work.
Se cos trei benzi elastice de-a lungul bentitei pe partea dos: pe marginea de jos, pe centru sip e marginea de sus.