thick yarn beret

Thick yarn beret

bereta din fir grosAge: 4-6 years; 7-9 years; 10-12 years; over 12 years.
Necessary materials:
– 100 g fir roz Sirdar big softie (51% lana, 49% acrylic, 45m/ 50g);
– Andrele no. 10 and no. 12;

Knit density: 9 stitches x 12 rows = 10 x10 cm;
Description of the work:
It is mounted on needles no. 10 - 41/45/49/51 stitches and knit 3 cm elastic 1 x 1. The last row of the headband is on the front side.
In the next row, knit 5/3/7/5 elastic stitches 1 x1, add 1 purl stitch between two stitches, *5/5/6/6 ochiuri elastic 1 x1, se adauga 1 ochi dos dintre doua ochiuri* x 6/8/6/7 ori, 6/2/6/4 ochiuri elastic 1 x1 = 48/54/56/59 ochiuri.

Se va continua tricotarea cu andrelele nr.12, punct lenes pana la o inaltime de 11/13/14/16 ochiuri, ultimul rand fiind pe partea dos a lucrarii.
Top of the beret:
Row 1: 4/6/2/4 ochiuri fata, 2 stitches together face, *2/2/3/3 ochiuri fata, 2 ochiuri impreuna fata* x 10 ori, 2/6/2/3 ochiuri fata = 37/43/45/48 ochiuri. Urmatoarele 3 randuri se tricoteaza drept.
Row 5: 3/6/2/3 ochiuri fata, 2 stitches together face, *1/1/2/2 ochiuri fata, 2 ochiuri impreuna fata* x 10 ori, 2/5/1/3 ochiuri fata = 26/32/34/37 ochiuri. Urmatoarele 3 randuri se tricoteaza drept.
Row 9: 2/5/1/2 ochiuri fata, 2 stitches together face, *0/0/1/1 ochi fata, 2 ochiuri impreuna fata* x 10 ori, 2/5/1/3 ochiuri fata = 15/21/23/26 ochiuri.
Row 10: *1 front eye, 2 ochiuri impreuna fata* x 7/10/11/12 ori, 0/0/0/1 ochi fata = 8/11/12/14 ochiuri.
Row 11: *2 ochiuri impreuna fata* x 4/5/6/7 ori, 0/1/0/0 ochi fata = 4/6/6/7 ochiuri.

The working thread is cut, pass through the remaining stitches, tighten and fix on the back side. Se realizeaza cusatura din spate a beretei.


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