White beret and crochet bag
Cranial circumference: 54 cm;
Necessary materials:
– 100 g for alb (100% cotton, 70 m / 50g);
– Crochet hook no. 4.
The big flower (diameter = 11 cm): Crochet a chain of 6 stitches and close it in a circle with a connecting foot. Next, it will be crocheted circularly according to scheme no. 1, repeating rows 1-4 once.
The little flower (diameter = 6 cm): Crochet a chain of 6 stitches and close it in a circle with a connecting foot. Next will be circular crochet after scheme no.2, repeating once rows 1 and 2.
Description of the work:
Crochet 5 large flowers and 8 small flowers, uniting them together according to the scheme no.3, lastly with crochet without jeteu in the places marked with arrow.
The obtained detail will be crocheted circularly (headband) by scheme no.3. Rows 1-5 will be repeated once, after which row 5 will be repeated 4 times.
The edge of the headband will be finished in the following way:* 1 eye 'cancer steps', 1 chain stitch, omit an eye, repeat from*, 1 connecting crochet in the first eye.
Dimension: 54 x 27 cm;
Necessary materials:
– 200 g for maro (100% cotton, 70 m / 50g);
– How many 50 g orange and beige thread;
– 20 g for alb;
– Crochet hook no. 4;
– 2 handles.
square (13 x 13 cm): Crochet a chain of 8 stitches and close in circle through a connecting crochet. Next will crochet circularly according to the scheme, repeating once rows 1-6.
For the square 1 will crochet 5 rows with brown thread and 1 row with orange thread, for square 2 – 5 rows with orange thread and 1 row with brown thread, for square 3 – 5 rows with brown thread and 1 row with beige thread.
The big flower: see the scheme from the beret.
Description of the work:
Crochet 6 squares 1, 2 squares 2, 4 squares 3. Crocheted squares are placed on the pattern and unite with each other.
The squares will be placed with the back side above the pattern and will be joined with beige wire along the closed edges with 1 row of connecting legs, crocheting only the inner parts of the stitches.
On the top edge will leave an opening (from the arrow to the arrow on the eyebrow of the pattern). The edges of the opening will be crocheted with 1 row crocheted crochet without jeteu, Concurrently, on the upper corners of the squares, 5 piicoruse fare jeteu will crochet once in the square stitches and in the ring handle of the bag.
With orange thread will crochet a large flower, the last row of the flower crocheting with white thread.
The flower is sewn on the surface of the bag (see the picture).