newborn slippers

How baby slippers should be

Baby booties are the first footwear that should protect their feet from cold and trauma and last but not least present the shoes for the transition from soft socks to the first booties made of a more solid texture.

papuceii pentru bebelusi tricotati nou-nascutiMost of the time, parents are of the opinion that the baby does not need slippers until the moment it starts to walk or sit on its bottom. Only after the age of 6 months, when the child starts walking, to stand up and later to start walking, booties become a necessity. I totally agree with this decision, but is it not pleasant to see a pair of booties and on the feet of newborns, it's beautiful and at the same time their feet are always shod in something lukewarm.

How should these booties be?

  • Booties must have a correct and aesthetic shape;
  • Must be crocheted, knit in such a way that the child's fingers are not tightly glued when he shoes them;
  • It is desirable to be made with as few stitches as possible. If they have stitches, they must be well processed;
  • The thread from which it is knit is desirable to be natural. Successfully, an acrylic specially designed for children who do not cause allergy can also be used;
  • The thread must be resistant to as many washes as possible;
  • When the child begins to learn to get up and walk, it is desirable to choose booties with soles made of a material that does not slip.
  • If booties also have accessories, it is necessary to check how well they are sewn before you put on the baby's shoes. Clenched accessories should be sewn, because the child can easily break them and put them in the mouth as well.

2 thoughts on “How baby slippers should be

  1. Booties are knit exactly like those presented on page 76 – Booties for newborns (those on the green, yellow),

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